
Choosing the Perfect Treadmill: 10 Factors to Consider for a Smart Purchase


Treadmills are a popular choice for indoor workouts, providing convenience and versatility for your fitness routine. With so many options available on the market, choosing the right treadmill can be overwhelming.

At The Fitness Superstore, we offer a huge current inventory and the best low-price guarantee in the fitness industry. We can explain what to look for when purchasing treadmills in El Paso to help you make an informed decision.

Types of Treadmills

When it comes to types of treadmills, there are three main categories to consider: manual, motorized, and hybrid treadmills. While manual and hybrid treadmills have their uses, motorized treadmills are the most common in gyms and homes. They’re powered by an electric motor, which drives the movement of the belt.

With motorized treadmills, you can easily use various settings to customize your workout. These treadmills often have built-in workout programs, heart rate monitors, and interactive console features.

They offer a smoother and more consistent running experience than manual treadmills and are available at various prices and features, catering to different fitness levels and budgets.

These three main types of treadmills can also be categorized based on specific features or purposes, such as the ones below.

Folding Treadmills

These treadmills have a folding design that allows for easy storage and space-saving when not in use. Folding treadmills are convenient for those with limited space or who need to move the treadmill between rooms.

Commercial Treadmills

Commercial treadmills are built to withstand continuous and rigorous workouts and are designed for heavy use in commercial settings like gyms or fitness centers. They tend to have higher weight capacities, more powerful motors, and enhanced durability. You likely don’t need this type of treadmill in your home gym.

When choosing a treadmill, El Paso residents should consider their fitness goals, available space, budget, and specific needs. Understanding the different types of treadmills available can help you make a decision that best suits your requirements.

10 Factors to Explore Before Buying a Treadmill

Before purchasing your treadmill, here are 10 factors to look at first.

1. Space

Measure the available space in your home gym to ensure that the treadmill you choose will fit comfortably. Consider the treadmill’s dimensions when it’s both in use and folded for storage.

2. Motor Power

The motor power determines the treadmill’s performance and durability. Higher motor powers affect how fast the treadmill can go at max speeds. Anything below 2 continuous horsepower (CHP) may not be enough for the average person.

Look for a motor with at least 2.5 CHP for walking and 3.0 CHP or higher for running. Look for treadmills with low starting speeds with the highest max speed possible.

3. Maximum User Weight

When buying a treadmill, consider the maximum restrictions of the machine. Machines with a higher maximum weight are much more durable. You may want to reconsider anything with a maximum user weight of under 220 lbs.

4. Incline and Decline

Treadmills with adjustable incline and decline settings offer a more challenging and varied workout experience. Consider the range of incline and decline options available on the treadmill you are considering.

5. Frame

Look for treadmills with a sturdy, quality frame. A poor frame is unstable and increases noise with continuous use.

6. Shock Absorption

Good cushioning is essential to absorb shock and reduce the impact on your joints. Look for treadmills with adjustable cushioning systems that allow you to customize the level of support according to your preferences. Both springs and shock absorbers will reduce the impact on your body, but shock absorbers are more effective.

7. Programs

The console should be user-friendly and provide easy access to controls and workout information. Look for features such as pre-set workout programs, heart rate monitoring, Bluetooth connectivity, and compatibility with fitness apps.

8. Safety Features

Look for treadmills with safety features such as emergency stop buttons, handrails, and a secure locking system. These features can help prevent accidents and ensure a safe workout environment.

9. Warranty and Customer Support

A treadmill is a significant investment, so choosing a brand that offers a reliable warranty and excellent customer support is crucial. Read reviews and consider the reputation of the manufacturer before making your decision. Anything with less than a year warranty should raise a red flag.

10. Maintenance

Consider how much maintenance the treadmill may need after it’s purchased. Treadmills must be lubricated and cleaned regularly to be kept in top condition.

Our Exercise Equipment Company Offers Quality Treadmills in El Paso

At The Fitness Superstore, we have experienced and friendly fitness consultants to help you find the right treadmill. We have a huge selection of the finest El Paso treadmills for any budget.

If you’re in search of treadmills in El Paso, check out our selection of quality fitness equipment today!

Elliptical Machines El Paso

Treadmills vs. Ellipticals: 7 Considerations Before You Buy Elliptical Machines in El Paso

Elliptical Machines El Paso

When looking to boost your caloric burn while ramping up your cardio game, treadmills and ellipticals are the way to go. When deciding which machine to invest in for your home gym, evaluating your workout goals and personal limitations is crucial.

When looking for treadmills and elliptical machines in El Paso, check out The Fitness Superstore. We offer a wide selection of both at very competitive prices. Here are 7 things to consider before buying one of these exercise machines.

7 Considerations Before You Buy a Treadmill or Elliptical

1. Ellipticals Activate a Wider Variety of Muscles

Ellipticals involve a wide range of motions that aren’t involved when walking or running on a treadmill. This means you’ll be using a wider variety of muscles while using this machine.

Elliptical machines have 2 pedals that require you to move them in a circular motion, much like a bicycle. The main difference is that you are standing up instead of sitting down. This motion works out your lower body and leg muscles.

Ellipticals will also have handlebars. Machines have stationary handles, moving handles, or both. Ellipticals with moving handles require you to move your arms back and forth, activating your upper body muscles.

You also have the option to pedal backward on these machines, which activates additional leg muscles. Some like to alternate between pedaling forward and backward to get the most out of their elliptical workouts.

Like other machines, you can change your speed and adjust the resistance to increase your cardio and caloric burn.

2. Treadmills Work Great for Runners

Treadmills allow runners to stick to their workout routines no matter what it’s like outside. It also gives them an option that lowers the impact on their joints.

These machines consist of surfaces that have a spring effect to them. This effect absorbs the impact each time your foot lands on this surface.

It’s reported that 56% of runners incur injuries resulting from high-impact running. Using treadmills possibly minimizes these risks while allowing you to enjoy the benefits of running.

According to a 2020 study of runners, running on treadmills works your leg muscles more effectively than an elliptical.

3. Treadmills Burn More Fat and Calories

When looking to lose weight, a treadmill is your best option. A 2021 study found that people burned more fat using treadmills than working out on ellipticals.

For example, a 160-pound person burns approximately 365 calories in an hour when using an elliptical machine.

That same person on a treadmill for an hour burns approximately 314 calories when running at 3.5mph or 606 calories at 5mph. Overall, this study concluded that treadmills improve cardio-metabolic health.

4. Ellipticals Give a Low-Impact Experience

Ellipticals work great for people with arthritis or who suffer from knee, back, hip, or ankle pain. This is because the impact on your joints when using a treadmill is more significant than the impact your joints endure when using an elliptical.

5. Treadmills Offer Customization Through Technology

Treadmills often come with technologically advanced features to improve your workouts.

You can program a specific workout regimen, track your progress, and utilize preprogrammed workout routines. Other treadmills offer customizable screens and trainer-guided interactive features.

6. Ellipticals Tend to Be Cheaper

If you are on a limited budget, investing in an elliptical may be easier on your wallet.

Ellipticals typically range from $500-$3,000, depending on the brand. Treadmills usually range from $500-$4,000.

One way to help manage these costs is to invest in used or refurbished machines. You can often find a fully functioning used or refurbished piece of equipment at half the price of a new machine.

7. Ellipticals Provide an Option for Injured Athletes

Whether you’re a pro athlete or weekend warrior, you don’t have to let injuries keep you from getting an effective cardio workout. Ellipticals offer a low-impact option for those suffering from leg and back injuries.

Where to Find Elliptical Machines in El Paso

Whether you’re ready to add an elliptical or treadmill to your home gym, we have you covered at The Fitness Superstore. We offer a vast selection of exercise equipment backed by the best low-price guarantee in the industry.

We also offer quality used and refurbished equipment that can fit anyone’s budget.

Check out our store or shop online today to pick up your elliptical machine in El Paso!

How to Pick a Treadmill.

How to Pick a Treadmill

How to Pick a Treadmill.

If you’re looking for a new home treadmill, use this guide to help you find the perfect one. Our guide covers what features to look for when browsing treadmills in Albuquerque and how to save time and money in the process. With your ideal treadmill, losing weight sensibly, enjoying exercises despite bad weather, and making fitness part of your daily routine will become a breeze!

Within this guide, we will give you four easy guidelines that will help you efficiently shop for treadmills. We’ll also discuss some of the key features of treadmills to help you choose the best machine to suit your needs. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped to choose the best brand and model of treadmill for your fitness goals.

Considerations When Buying a Treadmill

Floor Space and Treadmill Size

When choosing the right treadmill for your home, you must consider where the machine will go and how much space you’ll have for it. We recommend measuring your intended floor space and comparing it to the dimensions of any treadmills you’re considering.

It’s also important to take into account how much space your treadmill will give you for your intended uses of it. A general recommendation for runners is to purchase a treadmill with a wide belt of 22″ and a length of 55″. A belt width of 20″ and a minimum length of 50″ is sufficient for walkers.

When you have an idea of how much space you have, you can then look at the exact size dimensions of the machines and decide whether a standard or foldable treadmill will be best for your home.

Intended Workouts

Next, you should consider what kind of workouts you’ll be using your machine for. If you plan on frequent intense runs, you’ll need a higher-powered motor to support your workouts. Make sure to look at your treadmill’s continuous horsepower (CHP) to determine the best treadmill for you. CHP tells you how much power a motor can continuously produce, not just what it produces at its peak. Our recommendations for those weighing up to 200 pounds are as follows:

  • Walking – 2.0 CHP or more
  • Jogging – 2.5 CHP or more
  • Running – 3.0 CHP or more

We recommend adding an additional 0.5 CHP for anyone above 200 pounds to help avoid wearing out your treadmill too quickly.


It’s important to set a price range before you begin shopping so you know what you’re working with. Treadmill prices can range from $1000 to over $7500, so knowing your must-haves and non-negotiables within your budget will be very useful.

Treadmills closer to the $1,000 range typically have short warranties, noisier belts, minimal workout programming, and aren’t ideal for frequent use. Around the $2,000 range, you can often catch some sales that will land you some good workout programs, an LCD screen or 7-inch touchscreen, speakers, an AUX port, and modest power inclines.

Treadmills near the $5,000 range are similar to those in gyms or health clubs and are ideal for homes with multiple treadmill users or frequent runners. These machines also feature higher-quality belts that require less maintenance and have better cushioning that provides comfort to users. Luxury and premium treadmills over $3,000 are great for marathon runners or anyone with a larger budget who wants to enjoy daily exercise at all intensities. These machines feature higher maximum speeds, high sound and shock absorption, large web-enabled touch screens, and even fitness test programming in addition to the included workout programs.

Necessary Features

Many treadmills nowadays come with various special features, but not all of them may be useful for your personal fitness goals. It’s important to decide which features will truly help to improve your exercise experience and keep you motivated.

Here are some popular features to consider when you’re shopping for your own treadmill:

1. Incline – Treadmills with an automated incline feature can simulate outdoor running by varying your run. It’s a great feature that can challenge you or make exercising easier on your joints.

2. Programmed Workouts – Many treadmills now offer pre-programmed workouts for users to be able to follow certain speeds and inclines. However, each treadmill will vary in the workouts offered. These built-in workouts usually add to the overall cost, so be sure you will utilize this feature before finalizing your buying decision.

3. Extra Features – Other additional features to consider are water bottle holders, fans, phone or tablet holders, touch screens, pulse readers, heart rate monitors, emergency stop features, Bluetooth capability, and TVs.

Looking for Treadmills in Albuquerque? Call The Fitness Superstore!

If you’re still unsure of the best treadmill for your needs, get in touch with one of our friendly staff members today! We can help you choose the most fitting machine for your fitness goals. With our huge inventory and the best low-price guarantee in the industry, The Fitness Superstore is guaranteed to have your perfect treadmill.

Why Everyone Needs a Treadmill in Albuquerque

Treadmills in Albuquerque are a great option for anyone looking for an easy and effective way to integrate cardio into their routine. Beginners and athletes alike can benefit from this simple exercise machine.

The Perks of Using Treadmills in Albuquerque

Treadmills offer an incredible workout for building strength, burning calories, and improving heart health. Here are a few perks that come with investing in your own treadmill:

#1: Running Is Accessible All Year Round

In the blazing New Mexico summer heat, running outside for extended periods of time can pose a serious risk to your health and wellbeing. Treadmills make it easy to stay in shape and get a quality run in without having to leave the comfort of your air-conditioned home.

#2: Customizable Workouts

One of the greatest benefits of using a treadmill is how you can customize your workouts to your liking. With options to change the speed, incline, the amount of time you wish to run or walk, and the number of calories burned, staying on track with your health and fitness goals is a breeze.

#3: Complete Privacy

If you are just getting started as a runner, it can feel intimidating to jump onto a busy trail outside full of experienced runners and athletes. For this reason, a treadmill is a perfect starting point to build endurance privately at your own pace.

#4: Better for Safety and Health

The impact of running on a harsh concrete street can wreak havoc on the joints of your knees and ankles, making treadmills a safer option for protecting your body from injury and strain.

Explore Albuquerque Treadmills at The Fitness Superstore Today

If you are on the hunt for high-quality treadmills, Albuquerque residents are in luck with the extensive inventory available at The Fitness Superstore. With the best low-price guarantee in the industry, finding your dream treadmill has never been easier! Call today.